Teranova Korea specializes in global e-marketing by using the internet to let the whole world know about the superior Korean products and high quality consumer electronics. Since our foundation in 2006, we have been emphasizing on developing effective systems to improve on the traditional trade process. This is the source of our competitiveness. Focusing on e-commerce and e-marketing, we have also opened a branch in New York and Japan as a stepping stone to the world.
Keeping the difficulties of Korean merchants in mind, we assist in setting the directions and providing necessary education to find better opportunities. We act as the bridge between manufacturers and e-sellers for an exclusive supply channel which is mutually beneficial.
Teranova Korea continues to invest in R&D and we seek competitiveness through active sales strategy. Choice and focus is our motto when finding new business opportunities and advancing to become a global organization. The reason we could get so close to the world was the big support from our partners and clients. We express my gratitude to all of you who have added strength and wisdom.
Because of your devotion and sacrifice, we could stand up tall and walk into the global market. Business integrity and creative challenges from our employees will build an even stronger organization.
Teranova Korea will take the upper hand through persistent growth.
We promise to deliver our best to grow together with our clients. Thank you.
회원 가입일 |
2015/12/18 (년/월/일) |
역할 구분 |
양쪽 모두 |
사업형태 |
무역회사 |
설립년도 |
2008 |
총 종업원수 |
11 - 50 |
연간매출 |
USD 5,000,001 - 10,000,000 |
[ 연락처 정보 ] |
회사명 |
테라노바코리아 |
주소 |
인천광역시 연수구 송도과학로 32 송도테크노파크 IT센터 S동 31층 (우:21984) 한국 |
전화번호 |
82 - 02 - 20525400 |
팩스번호 |
82 - - |
홈페이지 |
www.tvakorea.com |
담당자 |
최성환 / manager |